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Mi Familia

        Hello, it’s me again, Bintangkelinci. Today, I’m going to write about my family. Actually, I rarely talk about my family to anyone I know, including my best friends. I only talk or write about them on sporadic situation. Still it’s alright, because I just realized that one of my favourite things in this world is my family. 

My mom was born on August like me, in 1978. She’s a very bright, friendly and talented person. She’s started play guitar, drum, and piano at a very young age. My mom is also good with English, she speaks English fluently, since she’s been study abroad on America when she’s 7 years old. She’s good at fighting, and people known her as a fierce woman. She has an underground band called Toilets, and probably because of that she finally met my dad. 

My dad was born on July 1974. He’s also talented in music like my mom. On his Elementary School Graduation, he plays Michelle by The Beatles with his friend in front of the audience. My dad likes skateboard, same with my mom. He’s also good at selling stuff, people said it’s because he’s Padangnese. My dad loves to collect vintage things, like vintage toys, vintage records, and vintage motorcycle. 

My mom met my dad because my dad was also made an underground band named Antiseptic. It was a punk band, and my mom loves punk. Both of them love music, so maybe at that time it was easy for them to find chemistry, and fall in love with each other. My mom married my dad on September 1999. There are so many guests on their wedding said that they look good together. Unfortunately, they got divorced on 2005. 

And then I was raised by my grandparents. They were the parents of my mom. They were so good to me, and raised me with so much love. I feel very grateful because of it. They also fulfil my needs, even when I don’t even ask for it. They also taught me a lot about this life. They’re like a best friend to me, because I can tell them everything. They’re always there for me, whenever I’m sad. And they always said they’re proud of me when I achieve something, or simply just being happy.

My grandma is a very warm-hearted, funny, friendly, and caring person. She’s always taking care of me and my grandpa. She loves The Beatles, especially Paul McCartney. She loves to cook; her favourite menu is her signature fried rice. She always told me to eat, and make sure that my stomach is full. She likes to watch Korean Drama such as Full House, Winter Sonata, et cetera. She has a very soft heart, and sometimes cried when there are things that makes her sad. 

My grandpa is a hard-worker. He works every day to make sure that he could fulfil all of our needs. He’s retired from the army and becoming a lecturer on Bina Nusantara University for more than 20 years. He’s a funny, and loving grandpa. He’s also a good listener and not judge us for what we do. He loves to listen to music. In the house, in the car, anywhere. His favourite band is Queen. He loves to eat, while my grandmother loves to cook. So, I guess God really made them for each other. Amen.

Last but not least, my sister. She’s a very fun person to talk to. My sister’s love to cook, like my grandma. Her cooking skill is amazing, she can cook a lot of difficult dish. My sister is a very strong woman. She also taught me a lot about this life. My sister is so pretty, her nose’s sharp, her eyebrows were thick, and her eyes were so beautiful. She’s also tall and have a great body posture. She’s the kind of girl that will make you fall in love at the first sight.

I’m glad that I was born on this family. Because I really love each one of them, and I know that they loved me too. I hope that we could always love each other. But if some days are hard for us, we will always be there for us, for our family. Mi familia.


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