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Movie Review : My Wife is a Gangster 3


Movie Review: My Wife is A Gangster 3


1.      Movie Identity

Movie Title: My Wife is a Gangster 3

Director: Jo Jin-kyu

Producer: Charles Kim, Chu Chen On

Actors: Shu Qi, Lee Beom-soo, Hyun Young, Oh Ji-ho, Ti Lung

Editor: Park Gok-ji

Distributor: Showbox/Mediaplex

Release Date: December 28, 2006

Running Time: 115 minutes

Country: South Korea

Language: Korean



2.      Synopsis

My Wife is A Gangster 3 is the sequel to My Wife is a Gangster and My Wife is a Gangster 2. It tells a story about Lim Aryong (Shu Qi), the daughter of Hongkong Mafia Boss, Mr. Lim. Aryong has been suspected that she’d killed another big mafia boss. So, Aryomg moved to South Korea to be safe. Han Ki-Chul (Lee Beom-soo) is put in charge to look after her. No one understand the language Ayong speaking, so, they hired a translator named Yeon-hee (Hyun Young). At first Ki-chul and his associats were afraid of Aryong, but as soon as she learns that they’re actually nice, Aryong also starts to be nice to them. After that, they were attacked by some assasins who mistaken Ki-chul to be the one who killed their big boss. Ki-chul family believes that Aryong is his girlfriend and gave her family necklace. Then, Aryong goes to see her mother but she found out that her mother has found new family. After that, Aryong goes back to Hong Kong, to found out that her father died. What will happened between Aryong and Ki-chul? What will Aryong do after the death of his dad?


3.      Movie Plus and Minus Point

Plus: The story is good, overall. It is easy to understand, because sometimes action movies have a complicated plot, that makes the audience couldn’t understand a thing. The comedy is also good in this movie.

Minus: Some parts are too tacky, and because it is the third sequel (especially it is made with a new story, different from the first and second movie), it should’ve present more iconic elements to beat the two other movies, but it’s quite ordinary

4.      Conclusion

I think it is a pretty good movie. Perhaps, if they going to make another sequel of this, iconic scenes must be included. And the moral story of this movie is, you cannot rate someone just based on their appearance. And also, although from the outside some people might have no problem, deep down they might have one.


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