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Movie Review: He's All That or He's All Dissapointing?

 Hana Latifa



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Movie Review: He's All That

He's All That is a 2022 Netflix movie. This movie starred by Addison Rae as Padgett Sawyer and Tanner Buchanan as Cameron Kweller. He's All That is the remake of 1999 movie "She's All That" but with the gender of the characters being swapped. The story begins with the scene of Padgett waking up in her room. She do a livestream for her followers on social media. After that, she meets her mother, who just came home from the hospital, the place where she worked as a nurse. They talked and joked around, and her mother found out that Padgett paid for some of their bills. She said she wants to help her since her mother has worked so hard all this time. Padgett goes outside and meets her 2 best friends, Alden and Quinn. After school, Padgett went to her boyfriend's trailer with Alden and Quinn, just to find out that he was cheating with some girl behind her back. She got so angry at them, but she forgets that she's in the middle of a live stream in her social media. The live stream goes viral, and all of the people on the internet were judging Padgett, for being angry at Jordan, her ex-boyfriend. She lost some of her popularity because of it. Padgett's manager called her, and said "don't talk to me until it's over", she wants Padgett to gain back her popularity. Padgett felt frustrated. Then, she has an idea to gain her popularity back: makeover some guy to make him a prom king. Alden and Quinn picked Cameron, who they think might be suitable as the perfect nerd. Alden and Padgett make this challenge a bet. Padgett tried to approach Cameron ever since then. She stood in front of his car, and tried to talk to him, just to get ignored. Cameron's sister, Brin, said he might be interested in horses. The next day, Padgett come to a place where Cam usually played with horses. He's so confused when she came, but she said she wants a horse lesson. Cam teach Padgett how to ride a horse. They have some fun by joking around. Padgett asked him to come to Quinn's pool karaoke party. After the party, Padgett spent a lot of time together with Cam. They finally become closer and closer, and then Padgett asked him to come to Alden's birthday party with her. He did a big makeover to him. And after that, Padgett realizes how gorgeous Cam actually is. At the party, Cam got into a fight with Jordan because he was harassing his sister. In the other hand, Alden betrayed Padgett by dating Jordan. Cam and Jordan's fight goes viral, and people are rooting for Cam. He got some popularity, and his sister told him to ask Padgett to go to the prom. When Cam was about to ask her, Alden told him that he's just a bet. Cam got disappointed at Padgett, and won't talk to her. On the night of the prom, Brin told Cam not to lose Padgett because since she's being there for him, he started to be happy again, like before their mother died. Padgett became the prom queen, but Cam didn't win. She refuses to take the title and tell everyone about her true identity. She then walk out from that hall, and meet Cam who's already there, with his horse. They open up about each other's feelings, and then they kiss.

He's All That or He's All Disappointing?

This movie was supposed to be a remake of 1999's She's All That. But, the original movie itself is actually kind of irreplaceable. This movie has some good qualities like, first, their wardrobe choices or costume. I think this part is the one that stood out the most, for me. The most interesting mise en scene. They choose the most trendy outfits to fit the image of Padgett Sawyer, Social Media Influencer. They made her wear crop tops, or cute bags, to suit her role well. On the other hand, Cameron's role is a nerd. He wore a lot of plaid shirts, and of course, his weird hat. The wardrobe style in this movie really accurately reflects the youngster wardrobe at the moment the movie was released. Also, they put some details on the wardrobe, like Padgett wore a red dress, just like the one Rachel Leigh Cook wore in the first movie. Also, their costume for Alden's 1920s thematic birthday party is really on point.

Secondly, the plot is quite neat. It used the original movie plot, where they meet-they fall in love-there's a conflict-they make up and be together. But the bad news is that it is quite predictable, and there's no plot twist there, except for the part when Cameron came to the prom with a horse. Thirdly, the casting. Tanner Buchanan as Cameron is the best choice they ever made about this movie. Because nowadays, people tend to choose someone who's already starred in a popular movie such as Noah Centineo, or in Indonesia we have Angga Yunanda and Jefri Nichol who always starred in new upcoming movies. It is actually a fresh choice of cast, and a smart move to win the audience. Although they have some good qualities, they have bad qualities as well. Like the choice of soundtrack. Not all people will feel comfortable with watching a movie that have bad soundtrack choice. This movie is one of them. Autotuned Teenage Dream, the remix of Kiss Me, will make the "She's All That" fans go furious. They should've chosen more bedroom pop-ie genre songs, instead of auto tunes and remixes. Addison Rae's acting is also not too natural. She looks like in an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, where her life is a complete drama mess. They could've chosen someone with a more natural acting, and less makeup, perhaps. Again, she looks like she's in an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. This movie would've been better if they could choose another cast of Padgett. 


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